Living Together But in Different Worlds

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Studying at the American University in Bulgaria is an unforgettable experience. Apart from the knowledge one gets studying here, life on campus provides many opportunities to meet various kinds of people. However, to my surprise, when I was assigned to write on this topic, I faced immediate difficulties. All the friends I have made here are in a sense alike and writing about the members of my family did not seem to be very creative. …

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…Roommate2 is almost addicted to chess. He thinks that moving the pieces with fingers is much more difficult than punching people with fists. The story does not end here since the story of Roommate2 and Roommate1 is being written everyday. I think that words cannot fully describe the complicity of my two contrasting yet compatible roommates. It is one thing to write a story about these two men, and quite another to live with them.