"Little Girl" lost love.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In life opportunities come and go. This is the nature of things. Paths branch out to form an incomprehensible amount of actions and reactions. Consequences, retributions, victories and defeats, these are all possible. Mistakes and failures. If you're lucky, really and truly blessed, you will be set on the path that so many desire and so many fail to achieve. True love; your soul, mate, this is the ultimate purpose of being alive. To try …

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…pain I caused you. It's so unbearable, and I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry. My body has cried so many tears I feel I've drowned the world a thousand times over, and this is a fraction of what I put you through. You were right to leave, you deserve better. Hon, please, someday, try to forgive me. I do love you. Now, forever and always. Talitha was her name. It means little girl in Hewbrew.