Literature essay: Road to Mecca by Athul Fugard

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Literature essay:Road to Mecca In The Road to Mecca we learn about conformity and eccentricity and how people who stray from the normal accepted road are judged and condemned for merely being themselves. But we also learn about love and friendship and the people who experience these blessings. Set in a small town in the Karoo region of South Africa The Road to Mecca is the story of miss Helen, an artist trying to …

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…play. Other characters such as Patience, the black woman next to the road and Katrina, Helen's coloured friend from town are only referred to and never actually appears in the play. They are merely there to online the barrier between race and society in the South African Apartheid-era. Thus by emotionally involving us the reader and theatergoer into the play we are interested in the dilemmas the playwright creates, thus creating a very memorable play.