Literature Review on Behaviour modification strategies used in classrooms

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Most educators agree that effective learning involves a variety of cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Meece, 1994) as well as good discipline and classroom management. Whilst not ignoring the value of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for effective learning, recent research has stated that discipline and classroom management is probably the most taxing aspect of a teacher's role (Carey, 2003; B. Rogers, 1997). For some teachers the most difficult task may not be the mastery of the content matter but …

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…B. (1997). Language of Discipline: A practical approach to effective classroom management (2nd ed.). Plymouth: Northcote House Publishers Ltd. Rogers, W. A. (1991). Decisive discipline. In R. Lewis (Ed.), Classroom discipline (pp. 43-66). Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. Siegal, M., & Cowen, J. (1984). Appraisals of interventions: The mother's versus the culprit's behaviour as determinants of children's evaluations of discipline techniques. Child Development, 55, 1760-1766. Smith, C. J., & Laslett, R. (1993). Effective classroom management: A teacher's guide (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.