Literature Review for dating violence

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
This is the question we ask ourselves while reading Shakespeare's Othello. Throughout the play Iago's mission is revealed as trying to strip Othello of all honor, and reduce him to his bestial state. Iago sees Othello as a beat from the beginning of the play and is determined to expose him to everyone. In order for the world to see what Iago already views Othello as, Iago intends to persuade Othello to violate his code …

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…of honor is intertwined with his concept of justice. Othello, more than any other character in the play, is obsessed with justice. Iago recognizes this; he realizes that for Othello to become a beast he has to violate his own sense of justice. With this realization, Iago concocts his plan to have Othello murder Desdemona. He is convinced that in wrongfully murdering his wife, Othello's manhood will be destroyed and his beastiality will be exposed.