Literary Review of "Fallen Angels" with citations and quotes from the book.

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The novel, "Fallen Angels", was written by Walter Dean Myers in 1988 in Jersey City, New Jersey. The writing is of a war fiction genre and also a coming-of-age story. The tale is told in a first person point of view through a fairly young African-American soldier fighting in the controversial Vietnam War. The story takes place in 1967 to 1968. The novel begins in 1967 with Richie Perry; a seventeen year old, black, high-school graduate joining the army. …

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…ways of the leaders, the horrifying face of man on man combat and the bond between soldiers. The novel depicts the bond between soldiers and the sad loss of adolescence. The book was easy to read and entertaining. It also showed the army's incompetence when it came to training higher-ranking officials, for example the loss of paperwork resulting in Richie's war service. Walter Myers did a fine job of creating a solid Vietnam War novel.