Literary Essey: Machiavelli and "A Bronx Tale".

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
I remember in elementary school. There was always a gang of boys that used to pick on the other kids. They would call people names and threaten to beat the snot out of you on the playground if you ticked them off enough. Often, other kids avoided these bullies and were afraid of them. Mainly because they were bigger and because they seemed to hold power over the rest of us. At an early age, …

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…In my opinion, I think it is better to be loved than feared. I think that if I were Sonny, or the bullies on the playground, I would feel lonely and maybe somewhat like a monster. Love and kind-heartedness is what everyone strives and lives for. Even the most wealthy and most powerful need love and companionship in there lives. Money and power don't by happiness. Only friendship and love can truly fulfill ones life.