Literary Analysis of William Wordsworth's "Lines Written in Early Spring"

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"Lines Written in Early Spring" Analysis Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth is a comparison of the state of nature to the state of mankind. This fits into the Romantic period because of how many of Wordsworth's poems represented the revolt against contemporary English poetry, which he believed should have been based on true emotion, rather than intellect and style. There is evidence that Wordsworth is writing about nature and the poor state …

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…holy plan" (Stanza 6, Lines 21-22). In this verse he describes nature as having the ability to plan. This poem also reflects on Wordsworth appreciation and love for nature, as he sees it as a force rather than just a thing. This poem is a good representation of its time period because it gives insight into how many people neglected nature, and furthermore, gives insight into the troubles and lifestyles of people during the Romantic period.