List the enzymes needed for the digestion of carbohydrates

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Supplying energy for normal bodily functions and levels of physical activity is the main purpose of carbohydrates. Four calories of energy is supplied by a gram of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates supply the body with energy so that proteins don't. When carbohydrates are combined with protein various compounds in the body form. Starches and sugars are the major carbohydrates. Starches and sugars are represented by a variety of foods such as honey, flour, beet, fruit sugar, rice, …

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…are yielded from maltose. Glucose and galactose are yielded from lactose and sucrose yields glucose and fructose. In the liver galactose and fructose are converted into glucose. Glucose is carried throughout the body to all parts via the bloodstream. It passes through the issues and cells by surrounding the cells with fluids and it's taken to cells that need it. The glucose that isn't need it taken to the liver and is stored as glycogen.