Linford Christie

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Did Linford Christie deliberately false start in the 100m final in Atlanta? Christie's impressive title collection includes an Olympic, World Championship, 3 European Championship, 3 Commonwealth, 10 European cup and 4 World cup medals. Sadly this successful career ended in disqualification at Atlanta 1996. Some cynics believe Christie deliberately false-started, so he wouldn't have to finish his race and career without a medal. The starter intentionally prolonged the time spent in the starting blocks by the athletes, therefore this would …

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…opposition and giving him the upper hand. He used his mind to over power those with fragile psyches. But after his long preparation for the Games, I don't believe the second false-start was intentional. Given the intense atmosphere and surrounding environmental stimulus it is easy to see how a false-start can be triggered. His ban was controversial. However, I believe it was the correct decision, as his reaction time to the gun was super human.