"Lines Written in Early Spring," by William Wordsworth.

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Essay Database > Literature
"Lines Written in Early Spring," by William Wordsworth, sets the tone within the title. The thought of early spring brings new life and harmony to the mind of the reader. A vision of Wordsworth sitting in a open field, observing the flowers budding and bunnies hopping around comes to the reader's mind. He "heard a thousand blended notes" of birds singing and the world blooming around him, thoughts of Bambi are brought to mind. Spring, …

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…has made of man?" Wordsworth wants his reader to realize that we should all grieve for the sorrow that we cause ourselves. Man has made himself what he is today, a busy, selfish, evil person, an outcome for which we should grieve. The question leaves the reader to ponder the meaning of life and all the deep questions that are buried deep within the human soul, the questions unanswerable by words, yet only through actions.