Limestonr Doorway From the Palace

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Essay Database > History
During the Nineteenth Dynasty a great many changes started to happen in Egypt. In the year 1225 BC King Ramses II had died at the age of over ninety leaving the throne to his thirteenth son Merenptah (IV.150). When Merenptah began his rule he was well into his later years in life, approximately in his mid fifties. Although Merenptah only reigned for roughly ten years, his days were filled will both battle and rejoice many that …

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…cannot be given nor a definite motif behind the death of Merenptah and the fire following his death, but one can see why many people would be upset with his decisions. The only things that we have are the artifacts left behind by these ancient civilizations. It may never fully be known what happened or why, but what is known can tell a great story of our past and the pasts of people around us.