Like Water for Chocolate by Esquivel

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Like Water for Chocolate is characterized as a novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies by its own author Laura Esquivel. Its subtitle stands as a welcome and an inviter for women everywhere. The novel intricately weaves through its narrative motifs like love, passion, sorrow and oppression. Esquivel uses stylistic features such as the simile in the title, the metaphor in the quail in rose petal sauce scene and the overall symbol …

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…masterfully by Esquivel in her use of similes, metaphors and symbols. Focusing on these stylistic elements present in the title as well as throughout the novel, the readers are introduced and informed thoroughly of the predominant theme of suppressive traditions and liberation from them as a means of empowerment for women. Not coincidentally, Tita's niece who receives her cook book is called Esperanza (Hope). The hope for an ultimate freedom for women will never die.