Lightning....Nature's Fireworks

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
LIGHTNING...NATURE'S FIREWORKS WHAT IS LIGHTNING? The action of rising and descending air within a thunderstorm separates positive and negative charges. Water and ice particles also affect the distribution of electrical charge. Lightning results from the buildup and discharge of electrical energy between positively and negatively charged areas. The average flash could light a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months. Most lightning occurs within the cloud or between the cloud and ground. Your chances …

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…a vehicle than outside. MYTH: People struck by lightning carry an electrical charge and should not be touched. FACT: Lightning-strike victims carry no electrical charge and should be attended to immediately MYTH: "Heat lightning" occurs after very hot summer days and poses no threat. FACT: what is referred to as "heat lightning" is actually lightning from a thunderstorm too far away for thunder to be heard. However, the storm may be moving in your direction!