Life of mine!

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I am omnipotent. Really, I am. See, I've figured that as long as I'm alive and well, I've proved to life that I have conquered every hardship it has hurled at my face. I was not raised in a religious family, but I believe there is an extraterrestrial force that gives everyone adversities to test your will to succeed. I call my own personal obstacle Dad. One day during sophomore year, I came home to …

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…dad's failures with my friends; it was family business, and I preferred to keep it that way. Chinese people have a lot of pride, and I was afraid that discussing it with friends would shame my mom, who works hard to preserve a good image of our family. I'm the one who has to live with a chronic gambler who's pouring out family money like dirty dishwater. It can't be undone, only endured and conquered.