Life of Pi essay - yann martel

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Essay Database > Literature
In literature, the extent of the characters circumstances or external forces can compel the character to confront his or hers moral beliefs. Ones who are forced upon to challenge his or hers moral beliefs due to the circumstances or external forces, would need to reconsider whether to continue listening to their beliefs, or to push it aside for the time being. In Yann Martel's Life of Pi , Pi Patel, the narrator, does confront his moral …

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…continued his deep trust and love foward his god, to keep himself elevated. By continuing practising his religious rituals and from time to time, point and cry out "THIS IS GOD'S HAT...THIS IS GOD'S CAT...THIS IS[THIS]..THIS IS[THAT]..."(p.231) and so on, Pi's feeling of dispair "would stir and eventually go away"(p.232) therefore lifting his sad spirit and allowing him to become less depressed when doing his other daily routines.