Life of Pi by Yann Martel

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<Tab/>Life of Pi by Yann Martel is an adventure book. It is about Pi Patel, a very religious boy, who gets shipwrecked. He was on his way to Canada from India when his ship starts filling with water. He is stuck all alone on a lifeboat with four animals: a zebra, hyena, orangutan, and a 450-pound tiger. Pi struggles to understand why these hungry predators don't eat him, and why …

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…because it is a great book, full of Christian and Muslim facts. Most of all, I like how they are mixed in together; religion and adventure. This is mainly a survival book, so I would recommend anyone who likes suspense and adventure. A great book that is really like this one (except without the religion) is Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Life of Pi is on my favorite books' list, it has a great storyline!