Life-long Learning

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Abstract Personal goals are an issue today that many individuals are faced with who desire to be successful in their life. In fact, we must have personal goals in order to be successful and productive at work, enjoy love and family relationships, and of course, the ever-ambiguous task of living. Most of us accomplish this task by looking to our mentors such as: parental figures, older siblings, supervisors, or even someone famous. The real question …

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…was raised in a family that has no ambitions or Career Goals 9 talents. I'm constantly advising my self that I need to not follow the traditional family traits that have lead them to a road of being financially strained. Through the University of Phoenix I realize that my dreams for a better life and career are achievable, but above all of the educational set backs that I have endured, this time, I can do this!