Life is Like a Toenail

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Every raindrop has a plan; God created each raindrop for a particular purpose. One drop may fall on a flower, one in the middle of a desert, and one might even turn into a snowflake and land on a child's tongue. Every person has a plan; God created each person for a particular purpose. One person may be a mother or father, one might sail around the world, and one just might grow up and …

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…you have a social void as well as a liquid void. The heart and soul will become parched, dry from lack of communication, lack of companionship. The key to rain is moderation. People don't need too much rain, or too little rain. You don't want to be in either extreme of the rain spectrum, its good to be in the middle. Take life in moderation - that is when it will be enjoyed the most.