Life in London in the 1600's

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Essay Database > History > European History
Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in London in the 1600's? What did people learn? What kind of jobs did they do? I know you probably don't ever think about that, but maybe this presentation will leave you to walk away wondering: How could they live like that?!! Let's start with where we would be as children in London. The boys would be at a school getting a public education; the …

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…river, cobblestone streets, horses and carriages and horses. People also walked a lot. The city of London, if you haven't figured this out already, was a very busy city. It's impossible for us to tell about all of what happened but we hope we gave you a fairly good idea of what it was like there. Think about it; if you had a time machine, would you want to travel to London in the 1600's?