Life as Paradox in Toni Morrison

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Life as a Paradox in Morrison and Butler Morrison and Butler have created, in the Oankali and in the citizens of Haven, societies which hold a paradoxical reverence for life. They present two imagined utopian societies, micro chasms of today's society, whose conflicts bring out the undeniable nature of man, showing us that it is not only 'human' nature, but is just 'nature:' Intrinsic to everything alive, even the Oankali. In these societies' attempts …

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…be 'helped?' This is a paradox that has plagued American history--Vietnam, Bosnia, even American Indians, to an extent. I think the issues raised in Paradise and Dawn can help us answer some of these questions, and help us think of the idea of utopia in a more philosophical sense; like the idea of the unattainable goal--the goal that keeps us from stagnating. It helps us better ourselves; helps us keep trying, learning, and living.