Life as I know it

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
<Tab/>It was already almost time to leave. Time to pack up and move on with my life. As I slowly walked out of my parents house no goodbyes and no hugs were exchanged. All I received was an inaudible grunt when I told them I was leaving. My friend of eight years, Ryan, was waiting outside for me. He's Hispanic, about 5'10 built averagely with black hair. I loaded my …

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…possibly the hardest and most difficult thing for me to choose. <Tab/>I checked into rehab the same day. I have been clean for over 2 years since then. And though there are times when I feel low, I know I'm strong enough to live without it. I haven't got over the drug and I probably will not completely ever. But for now I'm just trying to get by anyway I can.