"Life Love and Laughter" by James Vlaun.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Life, Love and Laughter by James Vlaun Life, Love and Laughter is a book of revelation. James Vlaun is looking inside of himself and sharing his stories to the reader. This book is generally about the author and his struggle to find what god wanted him to do in his life. It started when he was about seven, then lead on though his life till present day. The purpose of this book is to show …

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…was to get away and go where there is no "technology" just the basic necessities. That setting reminded me of my freshman retreat. In this book I realized that if a person's helpful hints can change a man's life, that it is possible for me to change a person's life too. I would recommend this book to a friend of mine because I feel this book has a lot of wisdom that she can use.