Lies My Teacher Told me

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Essay Database > History
James W. Loewen is a professor of sociology at the University of Vermont. Born in Decatur, Illinois, his father was a doctor and his mother was a housewife and junior high school librarian. He is co-author of the first integrated state-history textbook, Mississippi: Conflict and Change, and creator of The Truth About Columbus: A Subversively True Poster Book for a Dubiously Celebratory Occasion. Loewen taught for many year at Tougaloo College, a college in Mississippi …

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…book to every student studying United States history because the ten chapters are filled with amazing stories that one will not ever forget. It shocked me that I was not aware of certain beliefs of the people listed above, as well as what really happened during renowned events in history. The book also advises the reader to be careful when reading history textbooks, because even textbooks provide irrelevant detail and even create erroneous ones, too.