Liberalism is far better
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Liberal, conservative, and libertarian. A liberal is someone who is not narrow in his or her opinions or judgments. A conservative is someone who is disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions. And finally a libertarian is someone who upholds the principles of unrestricted liberty. Of the three, liberalism is a better stance because it is better to have an open mind when forming opinions and making judgments, especially in politics liberalism is a
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The rights of the individual should be valued and liberals are wary of restrictions personal behavior. Coming from a liberal stance, it is obvious that liberals use the government to help the economic status of the country. While all three stances are somewhat wary about government interference on their personal lives, they are all concerned about the freedom of the individual. A liberal tends to be more open minded about the government and its policies.
The rights of the individual should be valued and liberals are wary of restrictions personal behavior. Coming from a liberal stance, it is obvious that liberals use the government to help the economic status of the country. While all three stances are somewhat wary about government interference on their personal lives, they are all concerned about the freedom of the individual. A liberal tends to be more open minded about the government and its policies.