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Essay Database > Literature > English
Under communism, only the tiniest fraction of people expressed open dissent against the system. The system tried to draw in as many people as possible as accomplices. One of the most effective means was the threat that a failure to actively denounce opponents of the ideology would mean classification as a supporter. Communism is a system that follows the roots of Marxism. It unites the people into one class and call for industrial power. All …

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…form in liberal Britain. What is more likely, given the temperament of the British people, is a gradual erosion of credibility attached to the regime. As with communism, a quiet subversion will undermine it, even if open revolt is impossible. Chipping away quietly, we will, sooner or later, bring down the evil which intends a slow genocide of our people. The madmen who have taken over our country will be seen as they really are.