Letters to God by a prostitute during the Vietnam War, explaining everything going on in both America and Vietnam.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Dear God, I am just getting home again. Another night. A few more dallors in my pocket. I wonder if it's worth it, then I realize that I don't really have a choice anymore. I pray to you every night Lord that someday myself and my three daughters will be free from this life of abuse and fear. But days turn into weeks and weeks into months and still this life of poverty continues. Sometimes …

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…of the men that I have been with was killed last week. Then as I was walking the streets I saw a man get shot. Pain and suffering is a way of life now, and there is no escaping. I heard the man that I worked for last night talking about how things were in America. It seems that most of them are very proud of their country and are honored to fight for it.