Letter Correspondence with Li a Chinese girl!

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Before you read my letter I would like to explain to you what it is. A girl from China, Li, once wrote a letter to Seventeen Magazine saying and I quote "I believe Chinese people are smarter than the others". As soon as I read it, I decided to let her know what my opinion was. Hope you agree with me! Hey Li! I was just browsing the website that seventeen magazine has, and I …

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…are smarter! People are built the same way all over the world. Chinese did not inherit a larger brain, or any other thing that might contribute to their intelligence. I hope your beliefs take a different direction, for I did my best to explain it and make it as clear and unambiguous as I could! Hope you have a wonderful life, and wish you the best! Sincerely, Egreis Gjergjani PS. You can call me Eggy!