Let America Be America-An essay on the American Dream, and how America today has defered from that dream.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Let America Live Up to its Promise <Tab/>When people from oppressed lands hear America, they immediately think of jobs and freedom, an opportunity to begin a new life. They imagine a place in which the streets are literally paved in gold, and they dream of a country where everyone is treated equal. Immigrants envision a country where their children can attend school to obtain a proper education, and a country …

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…last stanza of the poem shows the vision will not naturally occur. Hughes ends the poem, "And make America again" (l. 86). The people who originally constructed America worked relentlessly to obtain the "American dream". Nothing was handed to them. Hughes ends the poem with those words to show that the promise will not be given to the immigrants. The immigrants, like everyone else living in America, must work hard to obtain the promise for themselves.