Les Miserables

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"All extreme situations have their flashes which sometimes make us blind, sometimes illuminate us." Going from one extreme to another and back again gives one a genuine strength. In Hugo's Les Miserables, for Jean Valjean , these extremes are self-initiated and self-inflicted. When facing more than his share of trials and tribulations, though, Jean always keeps going, whether with a mighty roar or a weak whimper. There are many things that molded Valjean, though, none quite …

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…existence is built, and as Jean learns building from the ground up makes for a much firmer foundation. Thus the more bumps in the road, the tougher the feet are that travel down it. Strength is the result of carefully planted choices that have blossomed and bloomed ten-fold the effort that is applied. Grief causes strength and that strength is great, great enough to hold the burdens of the world when bound together by love.