Leroy jenkins

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Leroy Jenkins LEROY JENKINS is continually inventing his own musical language. His is an extraordinary bonding of a variety of sounds associated with the black music tradition, while simultaneously bridging with European styles. His intermeshing of jazz and classical influences leaves critics constantly wondering at his musical identity: however, all agree that "Jenkins is a master who cuts across all categories." (The San Francisco Chronicle) "He is as quick as a cat, emotional as an …

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…Buckner, baritone, Lovely Music, Ltd. CD 3022, 1994 Leroy Jenkins Live!, Black Saint, 1993 The Legend of Ai Glatson, Black Saint Lifelong Ambitions, featuring Muhal Richard Abrams, Black Saint Space Minds, New Worlds, Survival of America, Tomato, TOM-8001, 1979 Straight Ahead/Free at Last, with Abdul Wadud, Red Records Mixed Quintet, Black Saint Urban Blues, Black Saint For Players Only, JCOA Records (LP) Swift are the Winds of Life, with Rashied Ali, Survival (LP) Solo Concert, India Navigation (LP)