Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Man
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance Man
During the Renaissance, the ultimate goal of a person was to excel in all aspects of life. Leonardo da Vinci is dubbed "the Renaissance Man" because he dabbled and succeeded in many different areas. Leonardo is most famous for his paintings, which captured shadow and depth unlike any other artist of his time. He also made remarkable discoveries in Science and anatomy, two subjects that had advanced very little during
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he put to use inventing anything from under ground traffic systems to flying machines. Leonardo da Vinci excelled not only in the arts, but also in science and engineering. He painted some of the world's most treasured paintings and made great strides in science. Also, he designed and engineered many inventions that were not actually created until modern times. Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in all areas of intellectual achievement, making him the ultimate Renaissance man.
he put to use inventing anything from under ground traffic systems to flying machines. Leonardo da Vinci excelled not only in the arts, but also in science and engineering. He painted some of the world's most treasured paintings and made great strides in science. Also, he designed and engineered many inventions that were not actually created until modern times. Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in all areas of intellectual achievement, making him the ultimate Renaissance man.