Leonardo da Vinci

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452. Leonardo was born in a farmhouse in Anchiano, which is about 2 miles away from Vinci. Leonardo's family lived in this area since the 13th century. The father of Leonardo da Vinci, Ser Piero, was a 25 years old public notary when Leonardo was born. In the same year when Leonardo was born Ser Piero married his first wife. He didn't marry the mother of Leonardo, because she was a …

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…upon at every angle to given that one soul purpose. In Leonardo's other sketches of there are great of notes of how the human body works, structure, muscles, movement, and how the skin react to those movements. I like how the work of one man can make tons of people look at his work and be in complete awe. I learned that to pay more close attention to things, observe the simple very day things.