Leon Trotsky - Events Of 1917

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Events of 1917 Currently in exile; Trotsky travelled to New York in January, 1917 and worked with Nikolai Bukharin and Alexandra Kollontai in publishing the revolutionary newspaper Novy Mir. After the overthrow of Nicholas II in February, 1917, Trotsky set off for Russia. However, Okhrana had been monitoring Trotsky's activities and managed to persuade the British authorities to arrest him when his ship arrived in the Canadian port of Halifax. The police held Trotsky in detention for a …

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…the support of the hesitant people, willing only to support the soviet, to the Bolsheviks. He also trained Bolsheviks in factories to spread the hatred of the PG. A major achievement in the overthrow was the convincing of the Prince and Paul Garrison fortress to support the revolution. In November, 1917, Vladimir Lenin appointed Trotsky as the people's commissar for foreign affairs. The following month he led the Russian delegation for the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk.