Lennie comes across as a very powerful and very weak man, show how the author makes you aware of this?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lennie comes across as a powerful man to us in this book, yet is this the full personality of Lennie Small? No, when doing research on this book, we find out Lennie is a man of anger and mostly weakness. The author makes sure we have a clear and precise account of Lennie and how he feels, how he is angered and how he is upset. The author describes this well and helps make it …

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…enough to make a person really strong in a sense of talking about will power, which Lennie proves to have a lot of. Example would be the dream. To me Lennie being the way he is shows both weakness and strength. Nevertheless the author clearly makes us aware of this, but one point we missed out on was Lennie's mental well being, which to me isn't clearly shown, but could indeed be another story altogether.