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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Leninism is a political and economic theory which builds upon Marxism; it is therefore a branch of Marxism. Leninism was developed mainly by the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, and it was also put into practice by him after the October Revolution. The term "Leninism" itself did not exist during most of Lenin's life. It came into widespread use only after Lenin ended his active participation in the Soviet government due to health problems (strokes), shortly …

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…Lenin's colleagues and followers (the "Old Bolsheviks") perishing in the Great Purge. In China, Leninist organizational structure was used by the Communist Party of China; later, the Chinese Communists developed the theory of Maoism. Other prominent variants of Leninism have also developed, most notably including Trotskyism, which defines itself in opposition to the Stalinist practices implemented in the Soviet Union soon after Lenin's death. Present-day Leninists often see globalization as the modern continuation of imperialism.