Lengthy plot summary of "Chuck and Buck"; including a detailed explanation of its application to Human Sexuality functioning.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Chuck and Buck were childhood friends until the age of eleven, when Chuck moved with his family to Los Angeles and the distance between the two was far too great to maintain a childhood friendship. Chuck and Buck were the type of friends that experienced everything together. Everything from the death of Chuck's pet dog to their first time playing "doctor" together. Sixteen years later, the death of Buck's mother reunites the two childhood friends …

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…that children can tell whether they are homosexual or not before they even hit puberty. If this is true, as children, was Buck simply acting out from his homosexuality and was Chuck acting out bisexually? The movie cleverly discusses theses issues and forces the audience to question the possibilities of the impact of sexual experimentation as a child in addition to wondering if sexual preference can be detected at an age as early as eleven.