Leisure in the female working-class during Industrialization VS Jimmy Carter surrounding the Depression

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Leisure at the turn of the century faced a social battle between a Victorian "cult of domesticity" and a fierce passion for sexual endeavors. This is the clash illustrated by Kathy Peiss in "Cheap Amusements", as well as in "An Hour before Daylight" captured by Jimmy Carter. Politics, society, and economy set the mood for interests in leisure, the nature of leisure, and therefore the leisure activities themselves. Even though Peiss describes leisure of single …

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…associates wanted to find a build up popularity for "Keynesian" economics. Political, economic, and social implications for leisure, the nature of leisure, and the leisure activities themselves are based on historical relevance. In Carter's novel, An Hour before Daylight and in Peiss' novel, Cheap Amusements these same implications affect leisure, although in different ways. Collectively both Carter and Peiss tried to create identities for a class of people when their daily lives supported several diversities.