Legalize marijuana use

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Forget Making it Legal, Make it Mandatory Marijuana is a narcotic that is grown from the cannabis plant. Marijuana has many street names including; pot, grass, weed, Mary Jane, Cannabis, herb, ganja, chronic, haze, Buddha and reefer. Its side effects include: confusion, loss of short term memory, increase in appetite, hallucinations and loss of motivation. It may be bad for your lungs and heart but its positive effects exceed its negatives. Marijuana has been proven …

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…States is at a record high and all the people need is something to relax their hearts and minds. Juvenile arrests will plummet nation wide, keeping kids out of jail and away from the real delinquents. With smoking marijuana mandatory nation wide Society will be a much more relaxed, and calm with less stress and anger. People should stop trying to make it legal and see the true benefits of marijuana and make it mandatory.