Legalization of Marijuana3

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Several pressing issues have arose throughout time, such as abortion and capitol punishment. The controversies have been addressed and decisions have been made. A new topic has emerged l states (1986, Congress), (Buchsbaum, 8). This crowds court rooms and jail cells, often times forcing judges to release violent offenders. In 1994 alone, 1.35 million people were incarcerated because of possession and use of marijuana (Buckley, 70). Even though only an estimates ten million Americans use marijuana on a monthly basis, …

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…by a 55% vote (47). From 1979 to 1994, drug use has dropped from 24.8 million people to thirteen million people (Califano, 8). It is time that this nation faces the issue of legalizing marijuana, and determine what would enhance the lives of American citizens. Both the use of marijuana for industrial and recreational purposes has evolved into a moral question. One must look inside himself or herself to arrive at a personally satisfying answer. In the end, righteousness will prevail.