Legalization of Marijuana

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Legalization of Marijuana Several pressing issues have arisen throughout time, such as abortion and capitol punishment. The controversies have been addressed and decisions have been made. A new topic has emerged and demands recognition. It is the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana has many names: weed, green, cheba, pot, chronic, dank, fire, herb, and wood to name a few. In 1994 alone, 1.35 million people were incarcerated because of possession and use of marijuana (Beltrame, [2]). Even though only …

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…lyrics of songs, caps, shirts, earrings, and tattoos. Between the years of 1992 and 1994, twenty-six percent of seniors in high school had smoked marijuana at some time (Beltrame [4]). The advantages of legalizing industrial marijuana are evident. The citizens of the United States and their government must decide if such advantages constitute legalizing, or if it would be more beneficial to observe the present laws. Either way, the issue must be faced, and all options weighed accordingly.