Legalization of Drugs

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Legalization of Drugs. (PRO) "There is much hysteria about drugs and drug use in this country and much misinformation. It is time we got rid of both, put drugs and drug abuse in their proper perspective and go on with our lives." Richard Lawrence Miller, The case for Legalizing Drugs. I couldn't agree more with historian and author Richard Lawrence. However, in order for us, citizens, to understand our nations drug war, in particular legalization …

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…is a vasodilator and works well to improve blood flow. The second action is how cannabis can reduce blood pressure over time. (Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD) Hepatitis C: Cannabis is far less toxic than other medications that might be prescribed for these conditions and where liver impairment is concerned, it is vital to avoid toxicity. Cannabis may help alleviate the depression often produced by chronic illness and by combination drug therapy (Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD)