Legalization Against Marijuana

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
-1914 marked the year that the States first began to strictly prohibit substance use. - 1915 to 1937: Early state laws. In this time period, there was no strict tax of prohibition on marijuana. Fear of Mexicans: a large immigration of Mexicans to the southwest prompted white officials to question the culture and customs of the newcomers. One habit that the Mexicans brought over the border was their taste for herbs. Common white folk everywhere latched on the …

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…The war on drugs thus brought with it, a shift from reliance on imported supplies to domestic cultivation. - Beginning in 1982 the Drug Enforcement Administration turned increased attention to marijuana farms in the United States, and their was a shift to the indoor growing of plants specially designed for small size and high yield. After over a decade of decreasing use, marijuana became an upward trend once more in the early 1990s, especially among teenagers.