Legality of the Patriot Act - A Theft of Civil Liberties or The Protection Of American Life

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
On October 26th, 2001, just over a month following the devastating attacks on September 11th, in hasty and uncontested action, the United States Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) (ACLU: the USA PATRIOT Act). The Patriot Act, stretching 342 pages in length, was drafted in an attempt to protect the American people from the rising threat of terrorism which had taken root on …

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…Acts. American Civil Liberties Union. 16 May 2004 <> US Attorney General John Ashcroft Address To The Federalist Society. 15 Nov. 2003. The Federalist Society. 16 May 2004 <> Who We Are - People For the American Way. People For the American Way. 14 May 2004 <>