Legal, Regulatory, Ethics Issues & Trends Paper
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Words: 965
Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Literature
The future of E-Business is going to be broad and vast, unfortunately we can't forecast the future just predict its possible outcomes. There may be things like Federal Commissions that oversee the laws that can protect its users. The future of home based employees utilizing their homes as their corporate offices. With the technology as affective as it is with net meetings, networks, workgroups and other corporate databases that make an employee just as
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companies are beginning to realize the importance of operating their business online and are jumping on the e-business band-wagon. This means the companies that fail to integrate with the e-world may find it harder to stay competitive and run a successful business due to their online competition. References:
companies are beginning to realize the importance of operating their business online and are jumping on the e-business band-wagon. This means the companies that fail to integrate with the e-world may find it harder to stay competitive and run a successful business due to their online competition. References: