Legacy of Civil War

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The American Civil War was a huge turning point in the history of the United States. The war lasted four years, from 1861 to 1865, and was marked by some of the most intense military campaigns in modern history. There were tremendous changes in the U.S. politically, economically, technologically, and socially. The people from both the confederacy and the union paid a high price in the form of both money and human life. <Tab/&…

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…the reconstruction left the blacks with their future not looking so good. Despite the blacks being free from oppression back then, they were still the lasting casualties of the war. Only long term national progress and wealth could begin to make up for their harsh fate in both the South and North. But, as we look back on the Civil War, we see it resembled a truly modern war that changed America forever. C.S.