Lecture notes on plant structure (download document it is in a table.)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
PLANT STRUCTURE Angiosperms /Magnoliaphyta Two groups Dicots and Monocots Are classified by following features<Tab/>MONOCOTS<Tab/>DICOTS Seed leaves<Tab/>One cotyledon<Tab/>Two cotyledon Leave veins<Tab/>Parallel<Tab/>Network of veins usually branched Stems<Tab/>Random veins (vascular bundles) Complex arrangement<Tab/&…

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…and length - apical merisystem 1.<Tab/>Lateral-meristems (axilery buds)<Tab/>In lateral buds-branches Pericycle of roots -branched roots 2.<Tab/>Secondary meristems<Tab/>Vascular cambium Produce, layers of xylem and poem Secondary growth Root cap<Tab/>*<Tab/>the very tip of the root *<Tab/>protects the delicate cells