Leaving a Legacy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Victor Ilog English 1301 10 a.m. 2/20/2004 Lawrence Welsh Leaving a Legacy Private 1st Class Richard Dominguez wasn't thinking about self-preservation on that November day 35 years ago. Within his field of vision were several critically wounded infantrymen in desperate need of emergency evacuation. They were pinned down by enemy fire and in serious trouble. Without regard for his own life, the 20-year-old private charged into the barrage of bullets aimed at the wounded. By placing accurate and …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Carl Sandburg, a Vietnam Veteran and winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, once said, "Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it until the test comes." Richard Dominguez' test came during his 13 life changing months in Vietnam. While there, he created a legacy that will follow him through the end of his days and beyond. The legacy of a true American hero.