Leadership in "Remember the Titans."

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
INTRODUCTION "Remember the Titans" is a movie about an American high school football team integrated with black and white players who, under great leadership, inspire a town to "trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him." Set in 1971 Alexandria, Virginia, where "high school football is life", the school board is under court order to integrate the schools. Reluctantly, they replace Bill Yoast, a white coach, with Herman Boone, a reputable black …

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…inspires awe and respect from followers to achieve beyond their wildest expectations. "Remember the Titans" is not just a movie about football. With the harsh racial issues of southern America, "Remember the Titans" teaches us a lesson that under true honest, emphatic leaders, society can cross any barrier. The Titans were a shining example, and a beacon of hope, for the city of Alexandria, who, before reaching for hate, will "always, always...remember the Titans."