"Lazlo, The Clockmaker" A 6 page short story inspired by Salvador Dali's painting 'Persistance of Memory' written for my final project in my college Creative Writing class.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Scientist dubbed it "The Clocca Phenomenon." They don't understand it. All the brightest minds seem to agree upon is that it's a completely random thing. One second a clock it's bolted to the wall, and then without any rhyme or reason it just starts to drip. Seconds later, its metabolism turns to jelly and it just slides right down the wall and makes a mess all over the carpet. Most people found the "The Clocca …

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…in with the ClockStopper soon leaked out to all the major publications and Lazlo became an instant celebrity. With all the good press, Lazlo's already successful business skyrocketed. He was awarded the Purple Heart at the International Clock-Makers Convention and soon he found that he had so much business that he had to open up a second store; he chose to open it up in Windy Mills, right across the street from Jeremiah's old shop.